
KPSP Is Great!! But Could Be Better…

Working toward systemic change for local food systems will not occur through single issue topics, there is a need for broad-based discussion of societal values, structures and processes (Hanson, 2009). Systemic social changes are possible with investments in physical and social infrastructure that contribute to coalition building and partnership development that enable scaling-up” – Connelly 

One issue that is evident when it comes to the Keney Park Sustainability Project is they do not seem to fully reach their potential in terms of the the 4 conditions of just sustainability from Agyemen which are:

  •  Improving our quality of life and wellbeing
  • Meeting the needs of both present and future generations
  • Justice and equity in terms of recognition, process, procedure, and outcome
  • Living with ecosystem limits








In Agyeman’s eyes sustainability has more substance than simply planting crops. He believes to succeed that we must completely remodel and finely tune our sustainability values as a people.

If sustainability is to become a process with the power to transform, as opposed to its current environmental, stewardship or reform focus, justice and equity issues need to be incorporated in its very core. Our present ‘green’ or ‘environmental’ orientation of sustainability is basically about tweaking our existing policies. Transformative sustainability or just sustainability implies a paradigm shift that in turn requires that sustainability takes on a redistributive function. To do this, justice and equity must move centre stage in sustainability discourses, if we are to have any chance of a more sustainable future.” – Agyumen

Condition 1 – Improving our quality of life and wellbeing

In this case, KPSP is right on the money. They are doing everything in their power to ensure that people are aware of the importance of sustainability.

They pride themselves on being a food outlet as they provide food for many families.

In this aspect KPSP is definitely doing their part.

Condition 2 – Meeting the needs of both present and future generations

This is where KPSP’s information sharing techniques really shine. They make sure that they are preparing and teaching people the proper mechanics to follow a just sustainability lifestyle.

Creating a just food system is a group effort and is not just something you can accomplish in one shot. KPSP make sure that they are continuing to push sustainability and find new ways to make it better and more attainable. 

Condition 3 – Justice and equity in terms of recognition, process, procedure, and outcome

This is where KPSP lacks a little. I feel that there is a lot to be desired here. KPSP does a great job for what they are, however they could offer other services that would allow for them  to inform and teach people more about the whole picture of just sustainability.

Condition 4 – Living with ecosystem limits

In terms of this condition KPSP is very serviceable. They strive to better the environment and protect it at all costs.

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